In Sydney, the Board’s Structural Improvements Committee caved in to business pressure and made two decisions […]
ICANN Ignores Non-Commercial Users in Internet Policy Development Process Everyone is a Noncommercial User of the […]
On Monday, ICANN held its second public consultation of the new gTLD plan (the first being […] just returned from ICANN’s new gTLD meeting in London, where the Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT) […]
Dear ICANN: IP Justice appreciates this opportunity to provide public comment. Founded in 2002, IP Justice […]
The following message was posted today on the ICANN public comments board. Dear ICANN: My name […]
Here’s APC’s comment on the NCSG Transitional Charter: To the Board The Association for Progressive Communications […]
The IGP filed comments today in ICANN’s second proceeding on GNSO Stakeholder Group Charters. In its […]
NCUC Comments on the Proposed CSG Charter 23 July 2009 The Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) welcomes […]
NCUC Comments on the Proposed NCSG Charter 23 July 2009 The Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) welcomes […]