Brief History of NCUC
Origins of NCUC
Milton Mueller
In the early days of ICANN’s formation, from late 1998 to mid-1999, a number of interest groups were battling over domain name policy. These included large corporate trademark holders furious about cybersquatting…

Our mission…
is to ensure that the voice of non-commercial users is heard at ICANN.
Mobilize civil society actors to participate in ICANN, including its working groups and other processes.
Collaborate and interact with other stakeholders in ICANN on matters of common concern, including businesses, governments, and others.
Send members to ICANN’s three meetings per year around the world, which are free of charge and open to all interested parties.
Elect representatives to the GNSO Council, which coordinates the policy development process for gTLDs.
Organize conferences and events exploring global Internet governance issues.
Policy Development
Develop and advocate policy positions.
Areas to get involved
Depending on your skills and background, there is always a space in NCUC where you can contribute
Help us promote diversity and inclusion by leading targeted initiatives to bring new voices into our work
Analyse and provide commentary, advice, or alternatives on ICANN policy proposals, deliverables, and decisions that reflect the views and needs of non-commercial internet users
Review and provide comments on ICANN’s strategic plans and operating budget, as well as monitor and voice issues of concern
Hold the empowered multistakeholder community accountable and help balancing against commercial interests at ICANN
What are NCUC positions?
Among others, NCUC has endorsed the following positions:
Domain Names Belong to Everyone
Privacy Protection in Domain Names
Respect for Non-Commercial Uses and Users
Multilingual Internet

Our shared moments
Executive Committee

Benjamin Akinmoyeje

Ines Hfaiedh
Africa Representative

Olga Kyryliuk
Europe Representative

Claudio Lucena
Latin America/Caribbean Representative

Mili Semlani
Asia Pacific Representative

Kenneth Herman
North America Representative