11 AUGUST 2009 NCUC Monthly Constituency Meeting Scheduled for: Tuesday 11 August 2009 from 15:00 – […]
According to this article http://tinyurl.com/qs9glp the US patent office awarded this patent to Microsoft nearly five […]
18 August 2009 TO: The ICANN Board of Directors and Mr. Rod Beckstrom, ICANN President and […]
TOP 10 MYTHS ABOUT CIVIL SOCIETY PARTICIPATION IN ICANN From The Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) 21 […]
in another effort to reach out and expand NCUC’s on-line presence I just created a new […]
RE: ICANN Public Comment Period: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#gnso-restructure Comments of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) on the Proposed […]
i posted a copy the comments i submitted to ICANN on the new gTLD proposals on […]
DU COLLEGE DES UTILISATEURS NON COMMERCIAUX Légende 1 « Les groupes existants de la société civile […]
NCUC Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3 September 2009 Public Interest Groups in ICANN Appeal to […]